What is Reiki?
Reiki is a healing technique and a spiritual practice that was developed in Japan early in the last century.
The literal meaning of Reiki translating as REI – the universal energy and KI – the fundamental life force. Reiki helps in stress reduction, relaxation, and promoting well-being. It treats the whole person – body, emotions, mind, and spirit, and, for many, creates a feeling of profound relaxation and peacefulness.
Reiki is great daily spiritual self-care practice. People practicing self Reiki report feeling centered, calm, more aware of inner guidance, and tuned into imbalances within that need attention.
Because Reiki addresses the WHOLE person, including the targeted individual symptoms, it brings profound healing. It helps in releasing difficult emotions, reconnecting within, build trust in yourself and connect more deeply with your inner wisdom, creativity and purpose. It opens channels to bring deep spiritual shift and transformation within.