In one of my previous posts, I spoke about why we are not able to perceive the beauty and splendor of our “Self” and the Almighty Intelligence behind everything. Those who have not read can read it here: Perception. In this post I attempt to explain three modes of vision.
If the doors of perception were cleaned every thing would appear to man as it is.
To understand and explore this beautiful existence we have been gifted by sight. There are three modes of vision or knowing: eye of flesh, eye of mind and eye of contemplation.
Eye of flesh discloses the material, concrete world; eye of mind discloses the symbolic, conceptual and linguistic world; eye of contemplation discloses the spiritual transcendental and transpersonal world. These are not three different worlds, but three different aspects of our one world, disclosed by different modes of knowing and perceiving.
These three modes of vision or knowing have a development sequence lower to higher. In the first year of a baby’s life, eye of flesh develops and evolves to disclose the material, concrete world of solid surfaces, forms, colors and objects. Slowly, as the baby grows, it starts to understand the world through eye of mind. The eye of mind will increasingly emerge and develop, disclosing in its turn the world of ideas, symbols, concepts, images, values, meanings and intentions. If development continues beyond the mind via meditative disciplines then the eye of contemplation opens and discloses the world of spirit, of subtle energies and insights, of radical intuition and transcendental illumination.
You have been gifted with these three modes of knowing, it is up to each person how he uses them to know the ultimate reality, to know the beauty and grandeur of creation, to experience the splendor of consciousness, to know his fundamental identity, to know his connection with all beings, all the things in universe and GOD.
Authored by GANDHARV
*collated from external sources
*collated from external sources