I-Evolution Program

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A step by step approach for Exploring “You” where you journey within.

This Program offers blend of powerful scientific techniques with ancient meditative techniques for healthy mind and body.

Great Stress Buster!

It equips us with tools and techniques to remove mental and emotional blockages and helps us to move towards inner peace. It helps us to transform ourself to a new level and experience happiness and peace at a deeper level.

When you take this Program YOU will –

  • Learn and equip yourself with tools and techniques for having healthy mind and healthy body.
  • Feel your anxiety slip away even if it’s been weighing on your shoulders for years.
  • Have more sense of stability,  more composed,  focused and clear mind.
  • Become more connected with your inner self.
  • Feel a sense of calmness,  peace and joy.
  • Become more informed, more positive, more energetic, more magnetic, and more charismatic.



Level 1- The Journey Within

You will learn:



  • Improved quality of life.
  • Improved overall health- Physically- Mentally- Emotionally.
  • Stress Relief
  • Gain calmness and clarity
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Boost immune system
  • Improved concentration

Prerequisite: None. Open mind to learn.


Experience sharing from our students



✓ You will have continuous support group and mentoring

✓ Access to global community

Level 2- The Mindfulness Journey

Advance Program: Apart from many other benefits like deeper relaxation, inner peace, joy, stability etc. this program takes the meditator to the next level which helps him to become aware of subtle energies and enables him to understand himself as well as the world in which he lives. This brings profound transformation within him which helps the person to experience life to its fullest.


Prerequisite: Completion of level 1 followed by 2 months of daily meditation practice.