
Seek Within,

You are the emblem of peace,

You are the ocean of love,

You are the fountain of bliss,

You are intelligence.

You can ask a question about something only when you know about it. If you don’t know anything about it what question can you ask? This is the state of unknowing. Knowledge takes you from state of unknowing to knowing.

Never fear or worry if you don’t know something, because you have immense potential and power in you to know and learn whatever you want in life.

Knock and the door to knowing will open for you. There is nothing that can stop you from understanding. Understanding is the basis and fundamental essence which gives meaning to life. Without understanding we are as good as any inanimate object.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
-Matthew 7:7-8

Authored by GANDHARV

Photosource : courtesy Elena Ray


  1. Deepthi

    Good post. Life is a journey in learning.

  2. AnandG

    In the world today people with very little knowledge as much as the size of a rice grain pretend as though they have whole bag of knowledge, but the great people who have bags of knowledge never show off (The state of knowing to unknowing).

    Just reminded me a quote by socrates
    “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.”

  3. Gandharv

    @Anand : Thanks for visiting the blog.

    Yes, recognizing the fact that we know as much as a rice grain is first step.

    Making an effort to learn, experiment and understand everything is the second step.

    Sharing which is learnt is the third step.

    Only when we can learn and understand from everywhere can we grow.

  4. AnandG

    That’s true Gandharv, I think you are really doing a great job by sharing your knowledge. I have almost read all your blogs, I even liked your blog( very much

  5. Deepthi

    Sharing whatever one knows, however little or more it is, is a very good deed. Learing through one’s own experience is the best learning, but life is too short to experience and learn everything on our own. So to learn from another’s experience and take what you think is right from those experiences is true learning.

  6. Gandharv

    @ Anand : Thanks for reading most of the blog’s post. It is my humble approach to serve the world in what I can at present. I believe in sharing the knowledge that comes from deep within. Even if it can ignite one person’s spirit to walk in the path of truth I am very happy.

    @ Deepthi : Very true.


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