4 Day Meditation Workshop- The Journey Within
Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences 🙂 God bless. Hoping this 4 day meditation workshop benefits more and more people. With lots of love, Gandharv & Deepthi Gandharv
Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences 🙂 God bless. Hoping this 4 day meditation workshop benefits more and more people. With lots of love, Gandharv & Deepthi Gandharv
Enlightenment means knowing GOD. Shedding of ego and the sense of ‘I’ is most important and is the only way to reach enlightenment. (accessed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:MaraAssault.JPG User:PHG An aniconic representation of Mara’s assault on the Buddha, 2nd century CE, Amaravati. Musee… Read more >