
Sharing a painting that I had done long time back.
Sharing a painting that I had done long time back.
Before advising or teaching anyone first try to understand the person’s capability to hold and depth of knowledge that he is already aware of. For eg if you try to teach advance quantum physics to a child in the 1st… Read more >
Training ourselves to think good, do good and be good is extremely necessary in the quest for the ultimate Truth. When you think that ‘each day is a new beginning and in every way I am getting better and moving… Read more >
That one thing necessary to make impossible possible is a strong focused will. If life takes away everything from you, if you lose everything in your life also no one can stop you from your destination and cannot take away… Read more >
On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. Even a little effort toward spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear. –Bhagavad Gita Every person goes through different stages of transformation and understanding. Just… Read more >