AWakening meditations

Your path to a higher perspective

There are times when universe provides signs and to read the path we require guidance and willingness to walk. The awakening meditation has helped to seek that path.
Anand Upadhyay
I'm very thankful to you sir as I was very very afraid of corona. I was in very much stress that I was not at all feeling well and was again and again crying and now after learning meditation I'm feeling very very fresh and after each and every session there was change in my life I was feeling better better really I can't express my words but it was Amazing Super and blissful Meditations. It was like I was getting so many blessings and feeling very very nice and happy. From the bottom of my heart I am very very thankful to you my Respected Sir.
Minal Sejpal

This is a series of meditations that will help you to perceive life differently, see and understand life from a higher perspective. Once you awaken, you are no more the old self. You are born anew to new possibilities.

This also focuses on understanding the essence of awakening, its nature and how it is deeply linked with our soul evolution.

Program Highlights

Simple practices that can be easily incorporated in your lifestyle.

Will enable you to integrate mindfulness and meditation into your daily life

Sets right body and mind conditioning for awakening

Insights with true experiences

Will help in building a practice and reap the benefits of meditation

Continuous support in your journey of awakening

 Pancha Kosha – Exploring our layers of Being

Mukti Kriya – Ultimate of all the Kriyas

Recording of each class will be available for that week to enable continuous practice

The name itself says awakening. It has in true sense awakened me from my deep sleep and shown my existence though as a speck in the universe. I feel so happy to have been able to identify myself as a tiny little speck in this space . It has given me a sense of belonging a sense of being most integral part of my existence. Couldn't ever be thankful enough to sir for helping me be able to know that this higher self existed within me. Thank you for introducing me to myself.
Namrata Raichana
The programme has been very helpful in gaining an understanding of myself and my emotions. It has helped in dealing with daily stress and getting my focus back on blessings. The daily practice has brought in more discipline. I am happier, more tolerant and more accepting. Our Guru, Mr. Gandharv is genuinely interested in helping us in our journey towards awakening and takes sessions at an unhurried pace, guiding each one in the group. I would strongly recommend the programme to anyone who wishes to improve the quality of their lives. Deep gratitude.
Sonali Sharma


Reduce negative self talk and improve behaviour

Give better sleep and lessen worrisome thoughts

 Reduce triggers to anxiety and depression.

Enable better clarity of mind and better decision making

Feel more happy and peaceful

Deal with any stressful situation with ease

About your program instructor

Gandharv P T

As an Inner Transformation Coach, Past Life Regression Therapist, Meditation & Yoga teacher, Gandharv has extensive knowledge of mind-body mechanisms and behaviour and has more than 16 years of experience in this field. He is professionally trained in traditional and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.

Moreover, he has learnt clinical hypnotherapy from The California Hypnosis Institute of India and has expertise in multiple healing modalities such as Reiki, Inner Child Therapy, Past Life Regression and Shamanism. Author of Awakening Consciousness: Awaken Your Inner Power


Do I need to attend all the 16 classes? We highly recommend you to attend all the classes as this will enable you to create right conditioning for the body and mind to trigger the process of awakening.

Can I make the payment for classes on monthly basis? Yes

Will there be a support group? Yes there will be a separate Whatsapp  group  and continuous support will be provided to answer any questions you may have.

Program Details

Dates: Starts Sep 27th, 2024 (Class every Friday)

No. of classes: 16 

Timings: Morning 6:30-7:30 am